Foreword: This game is for the GameDev.TV 2022 Gam Jam. This is a first-person shooter inspired by the arena shooters like Unreal Tournament. This will also be my first jam game as a solo developer, ran into a few technical issues along the way, but managed to create a finished experience, hope you enjoy it.

Story: The Nova corporation wishes to test the resilience of our new robotics prototype.

You will guide the prototype through a series of stress tests that result in termination. We look forward to your findings. 

Good Luck.

Core Loop: After gaining enough experience from fallen enemies you may proceed to the next level after death. Each level adds a new weapon.


Movement: W, A, S, D

Dash: Left Shift

Jump: Spacebar

Attack: Left Mouse

Switch Weapons: Mouse Wheel or 1,2,3,4

Reload: "R" key

Pause Menu: escape

GitHub Repo:

Credits: Used various free assets from the Unity asset store including; 

Unity Standard Assets- 

Unity Particle Systems-

 SpaceSkies Free by Pulsar Bytes-

The Sci-fi Gun collection from Black Curtain studio-

Free Low-poly Sci-fi by Cuboom-

 Sci-fi gun Heavy from Factory of Models-

Sci-fi loops pack 1 by Christopher Baklid-

 Sci-fi Futuristic handgun from Mobility Arts- 1 by Baydinman-

Sci-fi Enemies and Vehicles by Popup Asylum-

 and UI Pack: Space Expansion-

Environments were made with Probuilder.

Sound Effects: 

Weapon Reload-

Robot Voice-

Weapon Switch-

Automatic weapon fire-

Sniper rifle fire-

Plasma Pistol fire-

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